

Second Litter Countdown.

Day 61 of 63 Looking a bit broad in the beam. Not a nice thing to say, but it’s true. Tuck is doing much better than I did. I was as big as a house (not small house) and only carried one. Taking excess weight off is a bitch and for health reasons it needs to come off, thus the green bean diet. She is moving a slow. No more leaping on our bed and it’s her favorite spot. The pups are moving a good bit and looking at Tuck’s size and firmness of her belly I would guess the pups are putting on weight. Hope that it’s their weight and not Tucks.

Dari working on house manners. Tuck joined in for the treats.

Dari working on house manners. Tuck joined in for the treats.

Day 55 of 63. A trip to the vet’s for an x-ray give us an idea of how many puppies Tucker could potentially deliver. At first I could see a puppy move when she was laying down, but now I can see puppy movement when she is standing. Tucker is moving slow and obviously uncomfortable. Normally Tuck is fit and trim; however, that can’t be said now - honestly she is rather large. As she & I went in to the vet’s someone stopped and remarked what a good looking dog & my response was “thank you but she is rather fat right now” I just could not help myself. A green bean diet in Tucks future say about 9 weeks out. How many do you see? Looks crowded.

Amelia BrockelbankComment