Second Litter Countdown.
Day 61 of 63 Looking a bit broad in the beam. Not a nice thing to say, but it’s true. Tuck is doing much better than I did. I was as big as a house (not small house) and only carried one. Taking excess weight off is a bitch and for health reasons it needs to come off, thus the green bean diet. She is moving a slow. No more leaping on our bed and it’s her favorite spot. The pups are moving a good bit and looking at Tuck’s size and firmness of her belly I would guess the pups are putting on weight. Hope that it’s their weight and not Tucks.
Day 55 of 63. A trip to the vet’s for an x-ray give us an idea of how many puppies Tucker could potentially deliver. At first I could see a puppy move when she was laying down, but now I can see puppy movement when she is standing. Tucker is moving slow and obviously uncomfortable. Normally Tuck is fit and trim; however, that can’t be said now - honestly she is rather large. As she & I went in to the vet’s someone stopped and remarked what a good looking dog & my response was “thank you but she is rather fat right now” I just could not help myself. A green bean diet in Tucks future say about 9 weeks out. How many do you see? Looks crowded.