First Litter's First Birthday
Tucker’s First Litter turns One today. Happy Birthday!!! One (Gracie) was born February 1st at 8:24 pm and Ten (Dash) arrived sometime after 6:00 am February 2, 2018. Not that I am biased, but this litter is pretty amazing. They are all Smart, Talented, Loving members of Great Families and Good Looking to top it off.
It has been a busy year. They reside as far as Boston and as close as my home. Two of the pups spent time this year in North Dakota developing their bird dog skills. One is participating in field trials this season another is developing into a superb hunting companion. Dock diving and agility are among their prowess. Several love the water so much one wonders if a lab is in their line. An extra special pup is the support pup for an exceptional young man and his family. Hiking, soccer, lacrosse, and boating are among their interest. Some point flies, some leaves, some squirrels but they all point birds. One hangs with the horses another with the barn cat. I’m not sure if any live with a cat, but Tuck has a sibling that lives with a rabbit if that counts for anything. Some live in single member households, some with very young children, older children, grandchildren or no children. Two young ladies have found that their handsome boy is an adapt soccer player and a great movie companion. Several wait everyday for their human siblings to get off the bus others wait for their human to arrive home from work and others keep their human company all day.
Litter One has turned into an exceptional group of GSPs. Genetics played a part. I would like to think that the environment from their first 8 weeks played a part. However, the crucial factor in their success are their families. They are members of families that love and adore them. Who understand and are willing to commit the time and energy into having an intelligent, active, super loving GSP.
Since I am not making an Oscar award acceptance speech where you thank everyone including the milk man. I would like to express my Sincere Thanks to All who Helped and to the Lord for Blessing us with a healthy litter and Mom.